Sunday, October 17, 2010

Apple Empire

In the last few years, Apple iPhone has swept the world by storm. Malaysian bloggers Witch and FoongPC are both staunch supporters of the Apple product.

But are you aware that before iPhone, the Web was “free”? Apple makes it less free. Now, we have to buy apps to run on iPhone. Worst, we can’t buy directly from the developers, but must go through iTune. Apple gets 30% from all the sales.

And, unlike Bill, Steve has never been known as a philanthropist.


  1. You are right. Jobs seems to be obsessed with success which is good for the company. But like you said...he is not charitable. :/

  2. In life, nothing's free :)

  3. Not known to be a philanthropist doesnt mean that he doesn't do any charity. AFAIK, he's a private person and prefers to keep his profile low outside business - and that means he might choose to donate anonymously. IMO, what's the boohaas and meaning on donating large sums of money when you're only after publicity? It's the heart and sincerity that counts in these things.

  4. hmmm, i think i'm still quite a Microsoft people..

  5. have been exposed to MS since uni and then all the way in work..

  6. the only Apply thing i have with me is my iPod only.. haha!!

  7. yeah, it's quite an issue we have to pay for all the apps.. unlike MS you can just download everywhere for free~~ :p

  8. It's true you have to pay for those apps, but don't forget nowadays you can always jailbreak your iPhone!

    Haha! I like that cartoon! : D

  9. tekkaus
    Apparently Apple's share holders like him

    Mei Teng
    So sad :(

    You are just making wild guess when you day he donate anonymously. BTW, you are a Buddhist. You should understand why Buddhists like to express saadhu (善哉).

  10. SK
    I don't own a single Apple product!

    Not everyone knows how to jailbreak iPhone...

  11. 我不知道呢!
    因为我的手机只可以用来打电话和 SMS 罢了!

  12. I didn't say I'm certain that he donates anonymously. There's a 50:50 answer to this - we're not him, so we might never know the answer. And why pick on him? I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

    And I don't really get you as in why you link Buddhism to this topic. Once I've heard a monk said before, doing charities - solely after publicity and fame, brings one no merits whatsoever.

  13. Oh didnt know shànzāi善哉 is saddhu until today. Excellent! tQ

  14. I found a solution: no Iphone! I feel richer already :-)

  15. After I read your post, I did a search on whether he contributes to charity. Both answers say he might have anonymously, so I would give him the benefit of the doubt but strongly believe that he would have donated generously. Jobs is a low-key person, so he might not be one to tell the world what he contributes to. His wife has been listed as having donated though.

    There are thousands of apps so it's only human to want to charge for them afterall a business exists to make money. Does it not? Users only download what they need or not at all. Jailbreak? I was told that once you do that, when Apple upgrades the system, it will make the phone invalid. Not sure how true is that.

    Like Zhu said, no iPhone, feel richer already.

  16. Ashley
    My phone is also for call and SMS only :P

    If you do good, you share the joy with others.

    Thanks :)

    iDon't want iBroke!

    Steve Jobs is sometimes criticized as a 'control freak'. I wouldn't be surprised if what you mention regarding jailbreak is true.

  17. I guess I can call myself an Iphone fan rather than an Apple fan since the only Apple product I have is the iPhone! :) There's really nothing like it, don't you think? The interface is just amazing

  18. What about apps for HTC, Nokia and Sony Ericsson. Are they free?

  19. Jasmine
    HTC and SE runs on Google Android. Android apps are not free but the operating system is free. Plus, in theory Android phone owners can buy apps from other 'markets', not just from Google. iPhone users can only buy apps from Apple.
