Hong Kong people and Chinese express their grief and anger following the killing of nine Hong Kong tourists in a hostage tragedy in Manila. They condemned Filipino government and cops for their failure to protect the hostages.
However, there was a small group of Hongkongese and Chinese Mainlanders who were more than happy to see their fellows being killed in the Philippines. Click to enlarge the snapshots below to learn more about these uncompassionate Chinese…
Milker Tsui: 港人死嗮都好!唔駛香港地方咁迫窄..
(It would be great if all Hong Kong people die. Hong Kong won’t be so crowded…)
陈雅倩 Alicia: 好失望咯,以为D香港人真系死嗮…
(I am very disappointed. I thought all those Hong Kong people really die…)
Mandykkhi: 一点都不同情香港人
(I don’t feel a bit sorry for Hong Kong people.)
上朝拜海: 香港的穷鬼们去什么菲律宾
(Why did the poor bastards of Hong Kong go to the Philippines?)
刘我都快: 好啊,香港的活该,我要放鞭炮!
(Great!They deserve it. I want to burn fire crackers!)
Those on Facebook are Hongkongese. The rest are Mainlanders.