Saturday, June 06, 2009

Malaysians Love Sales

Kiasu Malaysians strikes again!

It was Thursday, May 21, 2009. I left my workplace at 5.30pm for Jusco, a department store. I wanted to buy a vacuum flask. When I reached Jusco at around 6.30pm, I discovered that it was unusually crowded. Shoppers were pushing carts full of goods. Then I realized: Jusco was having a sales promotion!

I suspect many of the shoppers were on leave, perhaps even with medical certificates!

Why are Malaysians so crazy about sales!??


  1. I stay away from malls when there's a Jusco sale. I don't like shopping during those major sale it's just crazy.

  2. not only malaysian crazy abt sales lah. I had seen American too.. did u manage get ur vacuum flask?

  3. 不是马来西亚的人爱血拼而已,全世界的女都爱。^_^

  4. Mei Ting
    Eh... I didn't know of the sales beforehand.

    Yes, I managed to get the vacuum flask.


  5. Yes, Malaysians are crazy when there's a sale. I also try to avoid sales cos I don't like the crowd! No parking, difficult to walk, just no fun!

    Is this the Jusco at 1Utama? Did you hear rumours that Jusco plan to move out of 1Utama?

  6. I was caught unawares too. I think they were having the JCard Day sale that day.

    I think it's not the craziness about sales but the ability to get things much cheaper (some as low as 70% cheaper) than if they are at normal prices. That is a lot of savings if you really need the items - that pair of pants or a nice frock or some towels or even a much-needed flask.

    To be fair, when it comes to sales, Malaysians should not be labelled. Am sure the Great Sgp Sale is also getting a huge crowd. And what about the Black Friday Sale in the west? People queue up from as early as 4am just to be first in line.

    Basically, people love sales for the satisfaction of getting things cheap to stretch that dollar. Am I making sense? Oh well..

  7. It happens all the time. But I think there's quite a lot of hypermarkets in JB so the crowd is not as big as the one in our pic.

  8. There are people who rush with the crowd to buy cheaper stuffs, there are people who pay more to avoid crowd. The world is such...The choice is there for everyone.

  9. I prefer going when there's less people because I simply can't stand the crowd. There was once when I didn't know they had a sale after 9pm and the payment counter was jammed at 8.30pm because the offers go up only at 9pm and everyone was waiting for 9pm so that they can get their goods cheaper. -_-"

  10. Singaporeans are equally "passionate" about sales too.

    Its probably just people wanting to optimise the use of their cash, especially in bad times.

  11. foongpc
    Yes, that was the one in 1Utama. I also heard that Jusco is considering moving out.

    Yeah, maybe you're right. Everywhere people love sales. But I still prefer Wal-Mart's "Everyday low price".

    There are plenty of hypermarts in Klang Valley too, but the crowd was still big.

  12. Grass
    I agree that it is up to our choice, but taking leave is probably too much.

    Oh boy... that's terrible!

    Apparently Singaporeans are kiasu too, haha...

  13. Even you are into sales! I guess it's just normal. People love the idea of saving something when buying stuff.

  14. onl leave for shopping? Maybe they really got something want to buy, just waiting sales? You still can say, they are smart consumers! hahahaha

  15. baoru
    I happened to be there. I didn't know of the sales before hand.

    Nuh, many people just buy and stock.

  16. Well can't blame you, Klang Valley got nearly 6 million people vs JB's 2 million. How can the JB crowd fight KL one? XD

  17. Oh, so it's true then. I think the 1Utama management want to take over Jusco. Either that, or they want Jusco out so they can start their own supermarket like Jucso. I can't help thinking it's quite silly of them to lose Jusco as an anchor tenant! Will people still visit 1Utama after Jusco leaves?

  18. Foong, the way I see it is if 1Utama is the one who wants to take over, they may have secured another anchor tenant who may bring in a better yeild, OR perhaps, Jusco is the one who has chosen to relocate - maybe to greener pastures.

    Even if Jusco moves out, the new anchor tenant would still be able to bring in the crowd for 1U. Malaysians are crazy about shopping, remember? LOL!

  19. So, did you get to buy any cheap but good vacuum flask?

    I will still visit 1Utama if they had shows/performances with pretty models for me to shoot! Haha.

  20. i wanted to go also! but on second thought, i shall not be so kiasu :P since i dont need plenty of groceries. not worth the pain of being in the crowd

  21. JL
    Maybe KL folks are more kiasu???

    Maybe 1Utama's management thinks they can make more money by starting their own dept store.

    Thanks for answering Foongpc's comment.

    Yeah, I bought a Tiger brand vacuum flask for RM200. Original price was RM250.

    No point buying lots of groceries since they are perishable.

  22. if u notice...
    jusco sales usually not so many ppl, when they are unusually packed, must be the members' day!!
    konon lar u will get more discount, and for members only :P

  23. i am out of the group..but my hubby do..

  24. 迷迭香
    That's JCard Day, but non-members got discount too.

    Men like sales too...

  25. malaysians are just... malaysians...
